(4th to 10th October)
Kilian’s registered for our week-long event on spaceweek.ie. The boys and girls had great fun with space related activities! Our Junior Infants had great fun learning about living in space, designing and making rockets and even using Oreos to learn about the moon! Senior Infants investigated light and shadows, they had great fun drawing around their friend’s shadow in the yard and using torches to make shadows in the classroom. Senior Infants and First Class even made a St. Kilian’s sundial to track the movement of the sun every hour! Second Class used Scratch Jr to code space related stories. Lots of classes completed beautiful space related artwork, built spaceships during Aistear and made beautiful solar systems using marbling. We even used our tablets to see what the night sky will look like in Kingswood with the ‘Stellarium’ app.
See photos below: