Health and Wellbeing Week at St.Kilian’s Junior School 9th-13th September 2019
Saint Kilian’s Junior School engaged in a full programme of activities to celebrate Health and Wellbeing Week. All activities were designed to support the children’s physical, mental and emotional health. The children were coached in:
- Mindfulness with Ms.Rafferty
- Cricket with Diarmuid (from Cricket Ireland)
- Rugby skills with Glenn (from Leinster Rugby)
- Football skills with Robbie (from FAI).
We say a big thank you to all our visiting coaches for their hard work, time and expertise. The children went on a whole school walk on Wednesday also.
The children revisited their healthy eating policy and talked about drinking lots of water with their teachers. Our Health and Wellbeing Week also focused on our pupil’s mental health. The children were asked to think about all the things that make them special and unique. The children decorated tags and added their own one to our Tree of Thankfulness in the school hall.
Our staff have also begun to use our Mindfulness programme which will continue throughout the year. Mindfulness is a strategy we use in St.Kilian’s JNS to support children who experience anxiety and it gives all children a space to retreat to when their lives become stressful.
Art Competition: “In a world where you can be anything, be happy!”
St Kilian’s JNS is celebrating forty years this year and during Health and Wellbeing Week we launched our Art Competition to celebrate our forty years of existence. The tagline for the Art Competition was “In a world where you can be anything, be happy!” The children created lovely art pieces based on this broad theme. The winners in each class received an Easons voucher and a certificate at assembly in early August.
The winners were:
- Room 1: Grace Goode
- Room 2: Senan Quinn
- Room 5: Caitlyn Byrne
- Room 6: Zusanna Wyrwol
- Room 7: Ronan Bradley
- Room 9: Chloe Maunsell
- Room 10: Aoibheann Wright
- Room 11: Emily McDonnell
- Room 15: Laila Gray
- Room 16: Siobhán Ryder
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